I, like thousands of others, am in love... with Instagram. Not necessarily because of the filters (some of them are just plain awful), but because of the simplicity of it all. It works so seamlessly with other editing apps, facebook, twitter... everything. I love it. Having yet another place to view everyone’s pictures makes me smile. I also love the challenge of it. I mean, anyone can take a picture with a cell phone, but there is an art to iphoneography. I just got back from a mini vacation to Florida. Most of my time was spent instagramming. Before my iphone, I would lug around my giant DSLR everywhere I went so as not to miss any photographic opportunity. This time, I decided to bring the DSLR, but only when necessary. Because I chose to instagram everything, it took the pressure off of me to capture everything with my DSLR. Now, don’t get me wrong, I definitely used my DSLR in a lot of situations, but left it in the car for meals and evenings because I knew that if anything crazy awesome happened, I would at least have my phone to capture it. That took a lot of pressure off of me and I was actually able to enjoy my vacation even more since I didn’t feel like I had to “work” the whole time. It was such a joy to capture the week in instagraphs that I thought I would share some of my captures with you all. And yes, I looked really funny holding a four thousand dollar camera... and then pulling out my phone to get the shot. I made a few strangers chuckle with that one. ;)A couple years ago, my mother had a giant tree fall on her house that totaled it. Yeah, you read that right. I wasn't really aware that you could total a house, but sure enough, the insurance company deemed it too expensive to fix, so they gave her money to tear it down and build a new one. She designed it herself and it is amazing. She craves the sun like you wouldn't believe, so she designed the house abound a courtyard that can be accessed by almost any room. There's so much light in that house... it's amazing. And her yard! She has oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, and bees. Yep! They keep bees that make the most delicious honey I've ever had. Her yard is so very Florida.
Our first full day was spent in St. Augustine. It was such a beautiful day, and that town rocks.
Then we spent some time at my favorite place in Deland (the town my mother lives in), The Perfect Spot. The town is known for it being the best place in the country to skydive. They have an outdoor bar and comfortable viewing place to hang out at and watch the skydivers. I love it. And of course I came across random longhorns I had to meet.
Another favorite thing to do every time I go to Florida is ride with my mother. She's a biker chick. Her friend, Glenn, lets me ride on the back of his bike and we will ride for hours. I take pictures while hanging on with my legs. :)
Our last full day was spent driving up and down the coast visiting with old friends, and finding some really great spots to eat and drink along the water.
It's also worth mentioning that, on this trip, I saw manatee. Haha! We got such a wonderful break from the winter. Can't wait to go back. If you want to see these images larger, along with many more like it, then you can follow me on instagram. http://instagram.com/photographybyleah And get those phones out and join me!